Sharemanga: eMule 0.50x [MorphXT v12.x] - Sharemanga

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eMule 0.50x [MorphXT v12.x]

Posté dimanche 15 mai 2011 à 10:15 (#1) L'utilisateur est hors-ligne   Morpheus14 

  • Akamatsu Meister
  • PipPipPipPipPipPipPipPipPipPipPipPip
  • Groupe : Modérateur Général
  • Messages : 7 249
  • Inscrit(e) : 26/08/2004

Puisque le aich est maintenant possible sans bug, voici la maj du mod Morphxt !

Image IPB
Pour le téléchargement c'est par ici

Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.6

CHANGE: Use owner-drawn push buttons in TransferWnd and SearchWnd [ied/Stulle]
+ fixes weird borders when compiling with VS10

FIX: Category tab display on XP for VS10 [Stulle]
FIX: Search and logs tabs (CClosableTab) display on XP for VS10 [Stulle]
FIX: (Hopefully) Error causing flushed data to be lost on restart [Stulle]
FIX: Require Obfuscation for Servers Setting not applied in 1st-time-Wizard [Stulle]

Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.5

CHANGE: Increased space for displaying number of clients on queue [Stulle]
CHANGE: Place news feeds dir in config base dir instead of executable dir [Stulle]
CHANGE: Rewrote drawing code of ServerListCtrl like official in other lists [Stulle]
+ fixes some bugs (e.g. auto resize on dbl click) and adds functionality
FIX: + not showing before "All Directories" in SharedDirsTreeCtrl [Stulle]
+ rewrote passing of params for inserting the item for VS10
FIX: Server icon not drawn in ServerWndCtrl [Stulle]
FIX: Compilation of zlib and IP2Country on Visual Studio 2003 SP1 [Stulle]
FIX: Display errors around Category tabs/buttons on Windows XP [Stulle]
FIX: Display errors around closeable (search result) tabs on Windows XP [Stulle]
FIX: Possible crash around Equal Chances For Each file in UploadListCtrl [Stulle]
FIX: PartFileFlushThread was not terminated properly in all cases [WiZaRd]
FIX: Sorting of score column in DownloadClientsCtrl was partially broken [TimDzang]
FIX: Collection double extension fix was rendered useless [CB]
FIX: Possible bug around FlushBuffersExceptionHandler(CFileException* error) [WiZaRd]
FIX: Connection Wizard did not start after being selected in 1stTimeWizard [Stulle]
REMOVED: Official ul/dl ratio restrictions (entirely handled by ZZ ratio now) [Stulle]

Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.4

ADD: Visual Studio 2010 project files and solution [Stulle]
ADD: Display check mark next to currently assigned category [Stulle]
CHANGE: update cryptolib Version 5.6.0 (3/15/2009) [Stulle]
CHANGE: update pugxml.h ( [JCrane2/tychen]
CHANGE: update zlib 1.2.5 [Stulle]
CHANGE: update libpng 1.4.3 [Stulle]
CHANGE: Rename CMemDC to CMemoryDC [Avi-3k]
CHANGE: Some other minor changes to compile on VS 2010
CHANGE: Rewrote the passing of params for drawing country flags to work in VS10 [Stulle]
+ bug in VS10 MFC; fixed code not only for VS10, used in all solutions
CHANGE: Also sort aMule for mods (if availablel) [Stulle]
CHANGE: Added additional wait time and security checks for flush threads on exit [WiZaRd]
+ possible crashfix
FIX: Sorting of client status (QR,...) to make sense at last [Stulle]
FIX: Crash on shutdown in ipfilter [Xman]
FIX: Force periodic updates was reset to previous state on applying [Stulle/thx Hiwi]
FIX: Download from http sources (e.g. sourceforge) broken because of sending user-agent [WiZaRd]
+ Added option to maintain list of URLs that should not receive user-agents
REMOVED: Display of session download in ChunkBar in DownloadClientsCtrl [Stulle]

Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.3

ADD: Option to enable background color FakeAlyzer indication for searches [Stulle]
ADD: Some more countries to country flags feature [tomchen1989]
ADD: Copy files from bin package config to used config dir [Stulle]
ADD: Turkish translation for installer [omeringen]
ADD: "No to all" option for backup nagging dialog in Backup window [Stulle]
CHANGE: Made sorting for client status (QR,...) more like official [Stulle]
CHANGE: Made SafeHash ready for new AICH based file identifier (like official) [Stulle]
CHANGE: Don't assign downloads via watch clipboard feature using view filters [Stulle]
+ This caused own selection to be ignored!
CHANGE: Don't block HTTP sources via DeadSourceList [Avi-3k]
CHANGE: Increase space for strings in Morph Update windows [Stulle]
FIX: Rehashing of file on receiving unusable AICH hashset reply [Stulle]
FIX: Possible icon size related error when loading flag icons [WiZaRd]
FIX: A4AF swapping aborted download and caused sources to not be reasked within 20 minutes [Stulle]
FIX: Wrong file name mentioned in Startup sound error logging [Stulle]
FIX: libpng warnings when compiling [moloko+]
REMOVED: Some code around the sorting by score in QueueListCtrl [Stulle]

Note: Following languages updated: German [Stulle]; French [jamjam]; Chinese (P.R.C.) [zz_fly];
Chinese (Taiwan) [AndCycle]; Italian [xilolee]; Turkish [omeringen]; Spanish [Rajil]

Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.2
03-06-2010 *HOTFIX*

Fixed: Crash bug in ip2country [Stulle]
Fixed: Improper localization of Weekly IP2Country update checkbox [Stulle]

Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.1

ADD: Weekly update option for ip-to-country.csv file [Stulle]
ADD: Working Windows Firewall settings for Vista and above in installer [Stulle]
ADD: Some more countries to country flags feature [tomchen1989]
CHANGE: Increase size for displaying strings in Morph First Start Wiz [Stulle]
CHANGE: Display log warnings on error auto updating ipfilter rar file [Stulle]
CHANGE: Show cat name for scheduler cat actions in preferences window [Stulle]
CHANGE: Label value for weekly update consistently [Stulle]
CHANGE: Cat related scheduler items are added with -1 (All) value [Stulle]
CHANGE: Update GUI when reloading share via scheduler [Stulle/WiZaRd]
CHANGE: Make user data dir default config dir for installer on Vista and above [Stulle]
CHANGE: Allow to show Default tab seperately on Multi User Web Interface [Stulle]
CHANGE: Do not show file names if Web Interface user may not see according cat [Stulle]
+ Applies to all files in incoming dir of cat unless an allowed cat has same dir
FIX: Download of large files was broken [Stulle]
FIX: Compiling settings for VS03 in emule_site_config.h [Stulle]
FIX: Some typos in ressource strings [Heiler]
FIX: Fake check via fakes list was not working [WiZaRd]
+ thanks for the brainstorming, exchange of ideas and cleaner solution!
FIX: Fakes list could not handle entries with huge file sizes (>uint32) properly [Stulle]
FIX: Country flags did not work in DownloadClientsListCtrl [morph4u]
FIX: Setting for PowerShare limit was not limited [jerryBG]
FIX: webservice.dat entry for peerates file stats [Motor]
FIX: Windows Firewall settings for XP/ Server 2003 in installer [Stulle]
FIX: Lang files weren't installed properly if location of datafiles wasn't default [Stulle]
REMOVED: Some unused code around the Slot Limiter (limit to number) [evcz]
REMOVED: webservice.dat entries for now defunct donkeyfakes links [Motor]
REMOVED: Redundant quotation marks in installer [Stulle/thx Heiler]

Note: Following languages updated: German [Stulle]; French [jamjam]; Chinese (P.R.C.) [zz_fly];
Chinese (Taiwan) [AndCycle]; Italian [Myth88]; Turkish [omeringen];
Portuguese (Brazil) [Heiler]; Spanish [Rajil]

Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.0

Merged to 0.50a [Stulle]
CHANGE: update libpng to 1.4.1 [Stulle]
ADD: Visual Studio 2008 project files and solution [Stulle]
ADD: ATL Server code for VS2008 compilation [Stulle]
ADD: Settings removed from official eMule to Advanced Preferences [Officials/Stulle]
ADD: Some more Tooltips for the preferences [Stulle]
ADD: Icon for "Pause when preview possible" menu entry [Stulle]
ADD: Find menu and OnLvnGetDispInfo to History list [zz_fly]
ADD: Queue progress bar in Webserver (not in Light) [unknown/Stulle]
ADD: File Percentage in title of progress images in WebServer [unknown/Stulle]
ADD: Option to restrict user from downloading files via multiuser webserver [Stulle]
ADD: Option to set level of optimization for NTService [Stulle]
ADD: Some more optimizations for NTService [Stulle]
ADD: Localization for NTService logging [Stulle]
ADD: Adjustable NT Service Strings [Stulle]
ADD: Fakealyzer [netfinity]
ADD: Display progress percentage for chunk details and sort chunk details by them [Stulle]
+ Note: This might cause weird results if client switches requested chunks or
does not download blocks sequentially.
ADD: Chunk details column in DownloadClientsListCtrl [SiRoB/JvA (idea)/Stulle]
ADD: Possibility to directly add incoming of removed cat to shared folders [Stulle]
ADD: New preferences.ini-only settings to Advanced Preferences [Officials/Stulle]
CHANGE: Disable FollowTheMajority if file is renamed in Shared Files Dialog [Stulle]
CHANGE: General settings dialog has been revised to achieve original layout [Stulle]
CHANGE: Reduced CPU usage in CUInt128::ToHexString [netfinity]
CHANGE: Reduced CPU usage in CUInt128::ToBinaryString [netfinity]
CHANGE: Optimize Process Kad client list [WiZaRd]
CHANGE: Improved filetype sorting in History list [zz_fly]
CHANGE: Improved reading of Webserver template [Stulle]
CHANGE: User priviliges for multiuser Webserver [Stulle]
+ Guest: Viewing information from webinterface
+ Operator: Adding/Removing downloads and according to other settings
+ Admin: Like Operator plus privilege to close eMule
+ Hi-Admin: Like Admin plus privilege to shutdown/reboot windows
CHANGE: Improved Failed Login Screen and Login Screen of Webserver [Stulle]
CHANGE: Improved UPnP info display [Stulle]
CHANGE: Improved setting of the preferences window title for tabbed Webserver panel [Stulle]
CHANGE: Sort client progressbars by percentage finished [Stulle]
CHANGE: Stretch chunk always to column width for chunk details [Stulle]
CHANGE: Improved upload state sorting for additional information [Stulle]
CHANGE: Improved sorting for Download State in ClientListCtrl [TAHO]
CHANGE: Allow searching for client name via key strokes in DownloadListCtrl [Stulle]
+ started searching at A4AF info until now
CHANGE: Set read-only instead of system attribute for custom incoming/temp dir [Stulle]
CHANGE: Allow incoming folder of default cat to be customized [Stulle]
CHANGE: Partly updated Bad Mod List (DLP v41, mainly Asian leechers) [zz_fly]
FIX: Properly localize some Advanced Preferences (official) [Stulle]
FIX: (Official) Only resolve hostnames for downloads if partfile found [WiZaRd]
FIX: (Official) Remove client from DownloadClientsList on RemoveSource [WiZaRd]
FIX: (Official) Don't publish incomplete small files [WiZaRd]
FIX: (Official) Possibly crash fix on ShowComment [WiZaRd]
FIX: (Official) Fix for setting buddy state on removing buddy [WiZaRd]
FIX: Display all time requests in History list [zz_fly]
FIX: Some bugs in the Webserver templates [Stulle]
FIX: Bad login handling for Webserver [Stulle]
FIX: multiSort in Search List [Xman]
FIX: Localization of tabs in Webserver panel [Stulle]
FIX: Don't reset Connection Settings without reason [Stulle]
FIX: TxtEditor option in Advanced Preferences [Stulle]
FIX: Wrong custom folder icon was displayed [Stulle]
FIX: CRC32 recalculate commando in SharedFilesWnd did not work properly [Stulle]
FIX: Setting HideOS for files was cancled when setting remained unchanged for one file [Stulle]
FIX: Minor display bug around default for PowerShare limit [Stulle]
FIX: Min Upload setting triggered nagging popup when Upload Capacity set to 1 kB/s [Stulle]
FIX: Setting appropriate settings for NTservice did not work properly [Stulle]
REMOVED: Microsoft Windows Media Format 11 SDK for MS VS2005 build (redundant) [Stulle]
REMOVED: Official changes for high upload speed in favor for more advanced MorphXT code [Stulle]
REMOVED: New official Ask-On-Exit Dialog in favor of Morph's one (NTService) [Stulle]
REMOVED: "MorphXT 9.7" workaround [Stulle]
REMOVED: Unusued ressource strings [Stulle]
REMOVED: AppleJuice detection [Xman/Anonymous Anti-Leecher]
REMOVED: ZZUL addition that sometimes caused crashes on receiving OP_FILESTATUS [Stulle]
REMOVED: Dupe USS settings in Extended settings panel [Stulle]

Note: Following languages updated: German [Stulle]; French [Heaven]; Chinese (P.R.C.) [zz_fly];
Chinese (Taiwan) [AndCycle]; Italian [Idro182/Myth88]; Turkish [omeringen];
Dutch [leuk_he]; Portuguese (Brazil) [Heiler]; Spanish [guijarrelson/Rajil]

le changelog d'emule v0.50 :

eMule 0.50a
- Apr, 5. 2010 -
.: Added preferences.ini-only option "ExtraPreviewWithMenu" (eMule section) which makes eMule put the "Preview with" command into the root context menu rather than into the preview menu (only applies to extended controls with multiple preview programs set)
.: Added "Open preferences.ini" button to the extended options. Remember that you have to close eMule _before_ saving any changes if you want to edit any not preferences.ini-only settings
.: AICH hashs work properly in all collection types now

- Apr, 2. 2010 -
.: Added new ed2k link type: "ed2k://|search|[searchterm]|/" makes eMule start a search for the specified searchterm. Plugin for webbrowsers which make use of this will follow later
.: Fixed some minor bugs in the Kad graph
.: Fixed a possible bug with AICH recovery when downloading a searchresult which includes the AICH hash

eMule 0.50a BETA3
- Mar, 28. 2010 -
.: Keyboard shortcuts to switch the dialog work again in the transfer dialog
.: Fixed a small visual glitch in the tooltips of the webinterface
.: Fixed a issue regarding eMule deceiding if to trust an AICH hash on files which have no verified AICH has [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS]
.: Fixed minor issues with the exit commandline command and the multiple instances option [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS, leuk_he]

- Mar, 23. 2010 -
.: Fixed ed2k links not containing the AICH hash on several locations (ctrl+c, webserver, etc)
.: Fixed further bugs leading to crashes or glitches in the new toolbar
.: Fixed a possible crash problem with the new Win7 features
.: The Beta versioncheck will now point to a seperate website instead the standard versioncheck (which doesn't works for betas)

eMule 0.50a BETA2
- Mar, 19. 2010 -
.: Update MiniUPnPlib to the latest version
.: The download commands toolbar now handles closing by pressing the X while in floating mode properly
.: The icons of the download commands toolbar are now properly drawn gray if disabled on WinXP and older Windows versions

- Mar, 17. 2010 -
.: The new Windows7 taskbar features will no longer vanish when minimizing eMule to the system tray
.: Updated libpng to the latest version
.: The lables of the download commands toolbar are now properly adjusted immediately when switching to another language
.: The archive preview tab has now a context menu to update the contents as replacement for the "Update" button
.: Fixed a bug in handling part.met files which could cause corrupted parts if eMule paused the file due to insufficient diskspace
.: Fixed a small visual glitch when resizing the shared files list while the new tabs were hidden
.: fixed minor memleak in kad keyword storing [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS]

- Mar, 14. 2010 -
.: Fixed the background color of the new Kad graph if custom themes/colors are enabled
.: eMule now selects the default color of the system icon tray speedbar depending on the color of your taskbar icon area, to avoid show a dark/bright bar on a dark/bright background
.: Fixed a crashbug in the new download commands toolbar (this bug was responsible for nearly all crashes you might have seen in Beta1).
.: Active searches are now automatically shown in the new Kad graph by default and eMule remembers the setting (can be siwtched in the contextmenu of the graph)
.: Fixed a small bug with itemdeletion when closing eMule [JvA]
.: Fixed a small bug regarding Kad search tolerance [Famerlor]

eMule 0.50a BETA1
- Mar, 8. 2010 -
.: Fixed a bug which caused the "Add files to download in paused mode" otpion to not work properly in all cases
.: Fixed a visual glitch on taksbar notifiers when using the Aero theme [gureedo]

- Mar, 3. 2010 -
.: Added Windows 7 taskbar goodies:
- global progress bar in the eMule taskbar button, progress colors: green when downloading, red when a download is errorous, yellow otherwise
- Taskbar Buttons: when hovering over the eMule taskbar button (connect/disconnect/throttle/unthrottle/open preferences)
- Overlay icon: Overlay icon on the eMule taskbar button indicating active up- and downloads (disabled by default, enable by ini entry "ShowUpDownIconInTaskbar=1").

- Mar, 1. 2010 -
.: Tweaked uploadcode to significantly increase the possible uploadspeed per slot especially on LANs, making eMule more suitable for those
.: The number of maximal open upload slots has been decreased to 100
.: Fixed a bug which caused the "Add files to download in paused mode" otpion to not work properly in all cases

- Feb, 28. 2010 -
.: Fixed a problem with the sharedfiles list when deleting a shared files [dolphinX]
.: Fixed minor possible memory/ressource leak in the archive recovery and ipfilter [dolphinX]
.: Fixed possible problem when wrong incoming directory due to categories in certain cases [dolphinX]

- Feb, 19. 2010 -
.: Fixed a bug in Kad which would not enforce the search tolerance in certain cases
.: Changed Kad to work better in small LANs. If Kad detects it is running on a LAN (only LAN IPs in the routing table), it will assume beeing open and not behind a NAT/Router without trying to verfiy (which would fail in a small LAN),
and also doesn't enforces several security features like flood detection for LAN IPs. Now even a small Kad LAN of 2 nodes works well without any setup issues
(To create such a Kad LAN, make sure all clients have Options->Extended->"Filter server and client LAN IPS" disabled, delete the existing nodes.dat if necessary, go to the Kad dialog and enter the IP+Port of one other client (which is either connected or in connecting mode for Kad) to the bootstrap box - done)

- Jan, 25. 2010 -
.: The connection wizzard is no longer shown after finishing the first start wizzard (it's deprecated)
.: The first start wizzard is only shown on first starts and no longer after updates

- Jan, 21. 2010 -
.: Added a new graph to the Kad window, which lets you watch each Kad lookup in detail. For non-Devs this is just for fun, you don't need to worry about anything shown there. A detailed explanation of the graph can be found in the onlinehelp.
.: Added "Automatically show active searches" option to the context menu of the new graph which lets it switch to active lookups automatically (instead having to select it in the list). Now you can watch Kad working for hours without a click! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

- Jan, 12. 2010 -
.: Added a new dockable toolbar to the transfer dialog. The buttons resemble the context menu options, but making them accessible easier and faster. The toolbar can be removed by right clicking on it and shown again by selecting context menue option of the downloadlist

- Jan, 10. 2010 -
.: The context menu in of the downloadlist allows now directly assign a file to a new category (instead of having to create it separately first)
.: The "Unassign" category context menu entry is now only available if a file actually has a category

- Dec, 7. 2009 -
.: Fixed missing setting saving after automatic adapting incoming folders of categories due to changed main incoming folder
.: Fixed a bug with overwriting the nodes.dat on times we actually don't want to write it [Nissenice]
.: Added a quick intermediate fix to make certain Kad lookups more reliable, improving the (search/source-) results in some cases [based on research from]

- Nov, 28. 2009 -
.: Switched the eMule fileidentifiers from ED2k-Hash + Size to ED2k-Hash + AICH-Hash + Size. This means eMule is now using two hashing algorithms combined (based on MD4 and SHA1) to verify if a received part (and eventually the comlete files) is not corrupt
This change is necessary due to weaknesses in the MD4 algorithm and enables eMule to make sure to never complete a corrupt files for the next decade
All changes are backwards compatible, so no clients or files will be exluded from the network
.: AICH part hashsets are build out of existing AICH recovery hashsets, no rehashing is done
.: AICH verification is enabled when using an ed2k link with included AICH hash, or when searching and downloading a file from Kad when certain requirements are met (this will only start to work once the majority of nodes update)
.: The AICH hash can be seen in the search results list for kad searches if available
.: ed2k links can no longer be created without the AICH Hash, except if it is not available. ed2k links without AICH hash are considered deprecated, but are still accepted by eMule for now

- Nov, 15. 2009 -
.: The shared files list now shows files in root directories properly [dolphinX]
.: Fixed a bug with determining if the filesystem can handle large files when using categories [dolphinX]
.: Added preferences.ini-only option "KeepUnavailableFixedSharedDirs" ("eMule"-Section) which lets eMule keep shared directories on fixed drives even if they are not found anymore
.: Fixed minor memleak on kad searches [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS]
- Oct, 13. 2009 -
.: Added preferences.ini-only option "ForceSpeedsToKB" ("eMule"-Section), which will make eMule display all speed values in KB/s (instead of B/s to TB/s depending on the speed)

- Aug, 7. 2009 -
.: The shared files dialog has now a tab selector, letting you choose to view the statistics,(reduced versions of) the content, ed2k-link or metadata info for the selected file(s)
.: The statistics page on in the shared files dialog also has the following new entries: Popularity rank (ranking all your shared files based on Requests), On Queue (clients on queue for the selected file) and Uploading (current bandwidth used to upload the selected file)
.: The new tabs in the shared files dialog can be closed or restored by an arrow button on the right side

- Aug, 3. 2009 -
.: Fixed possible resource leaks in ZIP file decompression [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS]
.: Fixed sorting bug in Shared Files window [moloko+]

- Aug, 2. 2009 -
.: Fixed bug with downloading files via the built-in webserver [Stulle]
.: Fixed double/single click behaviour in search results window [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS]
.: Fixed bug in user hash validation [ilmira]
.: Fixed bug with space characters in ED2K URLs [moloko+]

- Jul, 25. 2009 -
.: Fixed a bug which made search tabs in certain cases invisible after you closed one

- Jul, 20. 2009 -
.: Cleand up options dialog a bit:
The following settings have been removed and are now preferences.ini-only: "BeepOnError", "DontRecreateStatGraphsOnResize", "UpdateQueueListPref", "MessageFromValidSourcesOnly" (Section "eMule") and "EnabledDeprecated" (section "PeerCache")
.: The exit conformation messagebox has now a "Don't ask me again" option
.: Added "Pause on when preview possible" option to the downloadlist context menu. Only visible when "advanced mode controls" is enabled

- Jul, 09. 2009 -
.: Improved storing AICH hashsets after a download has finished - should be much faster now if you share many files
.: Sparse files are available on Windows7 again, Vista stays the only version were they are disabled

- Jun, 12. 2009 -
.: Added basic checks and user warnings for wrong operator usage (like using OR on the first keyword) in Kad. Earlier version just delivered wrong/incomplete results in such cases.

- Jun, 10. 2009 -
.: Fixed a bug in Kad with setting the proper searchkeywords when searching for exact phrases with quotes
.: Fixed a bug with rearranging quoted keywords on kad searches

- Jun, 2. 2009 -
.: Kad1 is no longer supported and we will no longer answer or request any packets from Kad1 nodes (the last eMule Kad1 version was release about 4 years ago)

- Mar - May 2009 -
.: eMule Summer of Non-Code <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Posté lundi 16 mai 2011 à 10:23 (#2) L'utilisateur est hors-ligne   Ashram 

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  • Messages : 1 221
  • Inscrit(e) : 31/12/2003

J'utilise depuis des années la MorphXT, c'est le meilleur mod qui soit franchement.

Alors foncez ! ^_^
Image IPB
Reita -The GazettE- (ガゼット, gazetto)

Posté samedi 16 février 2013 à 18:42 (#3) L'utilisateur est hors-ligne   Morpheus14 

  • Akamatsu Meister
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  • Messages : 7 249
  • Inscrit(e) : 26/08/2004

Incroyable, mais une nouvelle version est sortie en fin d'année :blink:


Changelog for eMule 0.50a MorphXT v12.7


ADD: Some more MediaInfo settings and USC log color to Advanced Preferences [Stulle]
ADD: New flags to countryflag.dll in order to meet ISO 3166-1 standard [Stulle]
+ Note that you absolutely need to update the countryflag.dlls!
ADD: Show ZZ ratio activation in Web Interface [Stulle]
ADD: Respect and display USC in WebInterface queue sorting [Stulle]
CHANGE: Updated Bad Mod List and Bad Hashs List (DLP v43) [zz_fly]
CHANGE: Max FileBufferTimeLimit changed from 100 to 10 minutes [Stulle]
CHANGE: Displayed ed2k link list in category selection can be scrolled through [Stulle]
CHANGE: Use bold font for drawing client progress percentage in DownloadListCtrl [Stulle]
CHANGE: Improved category rights handling for Multi User Web Interface [Stulle]
CHANGE: Improved download right handling for Multi User Web Interface [Stulle]
CHANGE: Show friend menu in friend list of Web Interface transfer panel [Stulle]
CHANGE: Show all clients that are not banned in On Queue list of Web Interface [Stulle]
CHANGE: Display if a client has credits in On Queue list of Web Interface [Stulle]
CHANGE: Tweasked NTService optimizations [Stulle]
CHANGE: Retrieve ID3LIB setting from memory during runtime [Stulle]
CHANGE: Rearranged Advanced (official) Preferences for better overview [Stulle]
CHANGE: Integrate MaxMind GeoLite Country into IP2Country feature (download and processing) [Stulle]
+ You might need to reset the update URL to use this new source and format!
+ For maximum comfort old format and source may still be used (only for ip-to-country.csv).
+ Notice: MorphXT includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from
FIX: Don't assign downloads via watch clipboard feature using view filters CHANGE [Stulle]
FIX: Weird result calculation for Fakealyzer [Stulle]
FIX: Pasting eD2k links from DownloadListCtrl was not handled as pasting [Stulle]
FIX: Setting for "Don't update Queue list in real time" was inverted in Tweaks [Stulle]
+ Note: It now works as expected so you might have to set it anew.
FIX: Aborting HTTP downloads [WiZaRd]
FIX: Wrong input focus for Multi User Web Interface login if user remembered [Stulle]
FIX: File Percentage in title of progress images in WebServer did not show 100% [Stulle]
FIX: Potential crash in USC logging due to format code in user name [Jesse Hager]
FIX: Log color settings were not stored in preferences.ini [Stulle]
FIX: Ambersands were not removed in PreferencesDlg [Stulle]
REMOVED: Obsolete Vista and above fix in ExportPartMetFilesOverview [leuk_he]
REMOVED: Obsolete GetRemainingReservedDataToDownload function [Stulle]

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