Encore un sondage pompé d'ailleurs,voici l'original:
Gamefaqs Poll of the day dit :
If you were an RPG character, which would be your highest stat?
Strength - Check out my muscles
Perception - I notice things nobody else does
Endurance - I'm healthy and can take a beating
Charisma - I can get by on my looks alone
Intelligence - I'm smarter than the average gamer
Agility - I'm quick on my feet
Luck - Who needs effort to succeed?
Strength - Check out my muscles
Perception - I notice things nobody else does
Endurance - I'm healthy and can take a beating
Charisma - I can get by on my looks alone
Intelligence - I'm smarter than the average gamer
Agility - I'm quick on my feet
Luck - Who needs effort to succeed?
Cette fois j'ai changé le détail des réponses,histoire d'être un peu plus original et pas juste copier/traduire/coller

Ps: à propos de la dernière réponse,c'est à cause du jeu des Guignols de l'info