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Comme je suis en train de réecouter du Tool, et que je me prend une claque enorme avec leur paroles, je me suis dit que j'allais en faire profiter les autres. Comme je sais pas si il y a d'autres fans de Tool, je vais faire un petit blabla (Et oui je rebalance ma vilaine prose).

Plutot que de parler du groupe et de son histoire, ce qui finalement n'a que peu d'interet, je vais plutot parler des sujets qu'ils abordent. Les paroles de Maynard James Keenan (aussi chanteur de A Perfect Circle) sont toujours assez obscures, mais finalement, quand on arrive a lire entre les lignes, ou qu'on s'interresse un peu aux themes abordés, ca devient plus clair.

Par exemple Eulogy est une critique severe envers les "faux martyrs", et plus particulierement L. Ron Hubbard, auquel ils font plusieurs fois reference dans leurs chansons.

[Voir le message caché (spoiler)]

He had alot to say.
He had alot of nothing to say.
We'll miss him.
We'll miss him.

He had alot to say.
He had alot of nothing to say.
We'll miss him.
We'll miss him.
We're gonna miss him
We're gonna miss him

So long.
We wish you well.
You told us how you weren't afraid to die.
Well then, so long.
Don't cry.
Or feel too down.
Not all martyrs see divinity.
But at least you tried.

Standing above the crowd,
He had a voice that was strong and loud.
We'll miss him.
We'll miss him.

Ranting and pointing his finger
At everything but his heart.
We'll miss him.
We'll miss him.
We're gonna miss him.
We're gonna miss him.

No way to recall
What it was that you had said to me,
Like I care at all.

But you were so loud.
You sure could yell.
You took a stand on every little thing
And so loud.

"I'm too smart when you're invisible by the bone and the symbol on you. So he bashes his skull through the window while over looking the sea. Twilight amber ego. We were amused by this"

Standing above the crowd,
He had a voice that was strong and loud and I
Swallowed his facade cuz I'm so
Eager to identify with
Someone above the ground,
Someone who seemed to feel the same,
Someone prepared to lead the way, with
Someone who would die for me.

Will you? Will you now?
Would you die for me?
Don't you fuckin lie.

Don't you step out of line.
Don't you step out of line.
Don't you step out of line.
Don't you fuckin lie.

You've claimed all this time that you would die for me.
Why then are you so surprised when you hear your own

He had alot to say.
He had alot of nothing to say.
He had alot to say.
He had alot of nothing to say.

Come down.
get off your fuckin cross.
We need the fuckin space to nail the next fool martyr.

To ascend you must die.
You must be crucified
For our sins and our lies.

Ils font meme preuve d'une certaine lucidité sur Hooker With A Penis, où ils se defendent d'etre des vendus, puisque ils ont vendu leur ame et leurs créations a un label avant meme d'etre reconnus.

[Voir le message caché (spoiler)]

Notez que vers 3:37 le batteur perd une baguette, mais ca se remarque quasiment pas :music:

I, met a boy, wearing Vans, 501s, and a
Dope, Beastie-tee, nipple rings,
New tattoos that claim that he
Was OGT,
back from '92,
on the first EP.

And in between
Sips of Coke
He told me that
He thought
We were sellin' out,
Layin' down,
Suckin' up
To the man.

Well now I've got some
Advice for you, little buddy.
Before you point your finger
You should know that
I'm the man,

And if I'm the man,

Then you're the man, and
He's the man as well so you can
Point that fuckin' finger up your ass.

All you know about me is what I've sold you,
Dumb fuck.
I sold out long before you ever even heard my name.

I sold my soul to make a record,
Dip shit,
And then you bought one.

I've got some
Advice for you, little buddy.
Before you point your finger
You should know that
I'm the man,

If I'm the fuckin' man
Then you're the fuckin' man as well
So you can
Point that fuckin' finger up your ass.

All you know about me is what I've sold you,
Dumb fuck.
I sold out long before you ever heard my name.

I sold my soul to make a record,
Dip shit,
And you bought one.

All you read and
Wear or see and
Hear on TV
Is a product
Begging for your
Fatass dirty

Shut up and

Buy, buy, buy, my new record
Buy, buy, buy, send more money
Fuck you, buddy.
Fuck you, buddy.
Fuck you, buddy.
Fuck you, buddy.

Mais il existe aussi des themes plus rares dans le metal, comme dans Forty six & 2, qui s'appuie sur une theorie selon laquelle la prochaine evolution de l'homme aura 48 chromosomes (46+2), comme les chimpanzés. Recherché non?

Bon je parle pas de Third Eye, vu que je ne sais pas encore exactement de quoi ca parle, je me demande si il s'agit juste de l'histoire d'une rupture, ou alors si il y a un sens caché sur les drogues dessus (comme le tendrait a prouver les citations de Bill Hicks en debut de chanson; CF mon article d'hier pour en savoir un peu plus). Mais perso, le passage "So good to see you once again/I thought that you were hiding from me/And you thought that I had run away/Chasing a trail of smoke and reason" m'a toujours profondemment marqué.

Ils n'hesitent pas non plus a mettre un peu d'humour dans des textes assez recherché. Par exemple l'interlude Intermission avec son orgue de barbarie, et qui passe super bien pendant l'ecoute, mais surtout Die Eier Von Satan, chanson ultra agressive, a la limite de l'industriel, avec des paroles en allemand. Tout le monde se dit "ouhla, cette chanson m'a l'air bien violente", mais en fait il s'agit d'une recette de cuisine (une recette de cookie sans oeufs :) )

[Voir le message caché (spoiler)]

Je met direct les paroles traduites:
The Eggs/Balls of Satan

Half a cup of powdered sugar
One quarter teaspoon salt
One knife tip Turkish hash
Half a pound butter
One teaspoon vanilla-sugar
Half a pound flour
150 g ground nuts
A little extra powdered sugar
... and no eggs

Place in a bowl
Add butter
Add the ground nuts and
Knead the dough

Form eyeball-size pieces from the dough
Roll in the powdered sugar
and say the Magic Words:
"Sim sala bim bamba sala do saladim"

Place on a greased baking pan and
Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes

Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes
...and no eggs.

Il y a evidemment les paroles de Aenema, mais je vous renvoie encore a mon article d'hier...

Tout ca c'etait pour l'album Aenima. Passons maintenant a Lateralus. Bon je vais pas trop mettre de vidéos, c'est pas mon album preféré, mais il y a quand meme des choses a dire dessus. Surtout pour la chanson titre qui se base sur la suite de Fibonacci pour le nombre de pieds du premier couplet

[Voir le message caché (spoiler)]
1) Black,
(1) then,
(2) white are,
(3) all I see,
(5) in my infancy,
(8) red and yellow then came to be,
(5) reaching out to me,
(3) lets me see.
(2) There is,
(1) so,
(1) much,
(2) more and,
(3) beckons me,
(5) to look through to these,
(8) infinite possibilities.
(13) As below so above and beyond I imagine,
(8) drawn beyond the lines of reason,
(5) push the envelope,
(3) watch it bend.

Je crois aussi que le batteur s'est basé sur des travaux de numerologie pour la composition. Bref, je ne vais pas rentrer dans les details, j'ai vraiment du mal avec cet album.

Par contre le dernier en date, 10.000 Days est lui aussi tres recherché au niveau paroles, enfin, non, plutot que d'etre recherché, c'est que je le trouve plus direct dans ce qu'il a a dire. Par exemple Vicarious, excellente chanson au passage, parle de notre voyeurisme et de notre avidité a voir du sang a la TV.

[Voir le message caché (spoiler)]
clip apparement pas officiel de la chanson

Eye on the the TV
'Cause tragedy thrills me
Whatever flavor it happens to be, like...
"Killed by the husband"
"Drowned by the ocean"
"Shot by his own son"
"She used a poison
in his tea...kissed him goodbye"
That's my kind of story
It's no fun 'til someone dies

Don't look at me like
I am a monster
Frown out your one face
But with the other
Stare like a junkie
Into the TV
Stare like a zombie
While the mother holds her child
Watches them die
Hands to the sky crying,
"Why, oh why?"

Cause I need to watch things die... from a distance
Vicariously I live while the whole world dies

Why can't we just admit it?
Why can't we just admit it?
We won't give pause until the blood is flowing
Neither the brave nor bold
Will write as the story's told
We won't give pause until the blood is flowing

I need to watch things die... from a good safe distance
Vicariously I live while the whole world dies
You all feel the same, so...

Why can't we just admit it?

Blood like rain come down
Drown my grave and ground

Part vampire
Part warrior
Carnivore and Voyeur
Stare at the transmittal
Sing to the death rattle

La, la, la, la, la, la-la-lie (x4)

Credulous at best
Your desire to believe in
Angels in the hearts of men
Pull your head on out, your head please
, and give a listen
Shouldn't have to say it all again

The universe is hostile, so impersonal
Devour to survive... so it is, so it's always been

We all feed on tragedy
It's like blood to a vampire

Vicariously I live while the whole world dies
Much better you than I

Sur le dyptique Wing For Marie/10.000 days, Keenan parle de la mort de sa mere. Chansons vraiment fortes, et d'une justesse incroyable (10.000 Days represente la durée approximative, 27 ans, pendant laquelle sa mere a été paralysée)

Ou encore Rosetta Stoned, qui apparement evoque un trip sous DMT, mais qui peut aussi etre une critique envers les gens qui pensent avoir vu les aliens, voire une autre attaque contre Ron Hubbard...

[Voir le message caché (spoiler)]
Un faux clip pour la chanson

All righty then. Picture this if you will.
10 to 2 AM, X, Yogi DMT, and a box of Krispy Kremes,
in my need-to-know post just outside Area 51
Contemplating the whole chosen people thingy when
just then a flaming stealth banana split the sky like one would hope but
never really expect to see in a place like this
Cutting right angle doughnuts on a dime and stopping right at my Birkenstocks
and me yelping... HOLY FUCKING SHIT
Holy fucking shit
Fucking shit
Holy fucking shit
Holy fucking shit
Holy fucking shit...fucking shit...fucking shit

Then the X-Files being, looking
like some kinda blue-green Jackie Chan
With Isabella Rossellini lips and breath that reeked of vanilla chig champa
Did a slow-mo Matrix decent outta the butt end of the banana vessel
and hovered above my bug-eyes,
My gaping jaw,
And my sweaty L. Ron Hubbard upper lip,
And all I could think was,
I hope Uncle Quark here doesn't notice
That I pissed my fucking pants.

So light in his way
Like an apparition,
He had me crying out,
Fuck me!
It's gotta be
the Deadhead chemistry!
The blotter got right on top of me
Got me seeing E motherfucking T!

And after calming me down with some orange slices and some fetal spooning
E.T. revealed to me his singular purpose,
He said you are the chosen one.
The one who will deliver the message.
A message of hope for those who choose to hear it
And a warning for those who do not.
Me, the chosen one
They chose me
And I didn't graduate from fucking high school!

You had better
You had better
You had better
You had better listen

Then he looked right through me
With somniferous almond eyes
Don't even know what that means
Must remember to write it down,
This is so real
Like the time Dave floated away
See my heart is pounding
'Cause this shit never happens to me!

Can't breathe right now

It was so real
Like I woke up in Wonderland
Also a bit terrifying
I don't wanna be all alone
When I tell this story
And can anyone tell me why
ya'll sound like Peanuts parents
Will I ever be coming down?
This is so real
Finally it's my lucky day
See my heart is racing
'Cause this shit never happens to me

I can't breathe right now

You believe me don't you
Please believe what I just said
See the dead ain't tourin'
And this wasn't all in my head.
See they took me by the hand
And invited me right in
Then they showed me something
I don't even know where to begin

Strapped down to my bed
Feet cold and eyes red
I'm out of my head
Am I alive am I dead
Can't remember what they said
God damn shit the bed
High eye (repeated)

Overwhelmed as one would be
Placed in my position
Such a heavy burden now to be the one
Born to bear and bring to all
The details of our ending
To write it down for all the world to see.
But I forgot my pen
Shit the bed again

Strapped down to my bed
Feet cold and eyes red
I'm out of my head
Am I alive am I dead?
Sunkist and sudafed
Gyroscopes and infrared
Won't help the brain-dead
Can't remember what they said
God damn shit the bed
IIIIIII can't remember what they said to me
Can't remember what they said
to make me out to be a hero
Can't remember what he said

Bob help me!
Can't remember what he said

Don't know, won't know (repeated)
God damn shit the bed!

Voila voila, je crois que c'etait bien long, trouver des videos de pas trop mauvaise qualité a pas ete forcement evident... J'espere que vous avez apprecié. Une telle intelligence pour un groupe de metal est particulierement rare. J'aime vraiment cette facon de crtiquer le monde dans lequel on vit, tout en pronant une sorte d'ouverture sur le monde, de decouverte par soi meme de ce qui nous entoure... Exceptionel!

Si vous voulez poursuivre, je vous conseille d'aller voir les articles sur le wiki anglais, y pas mal d'anecdotes, d'explications (genre ce que veut dire Aenima) et toussa...




Wikipédia ne possède pas d'article avec ce nom.
les rares fois où j'ai écouté tool, j'avais trouvé ça pas terrible

faudrait que je m'y replonge, peut etre je rate quelquechose de bien

herc, le 14/12/2007 à 12:16, dit :

les rares fois où j'ai écouté tool, j'avais trouvé ça pas terrible

faudrait que je m'y replonge, peut etre je rate quelquechose de bien

J'en connais pas mal qui n'ont pas aimé car ils ont pas apprecié le chant clair... Mais rien que la musique est tellement recherché que ca vaut bien le coup
je dois avoir lateralus dans la voiture, je m'y mets ce soir en rentrant !
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